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Povolený skript Žádost o chybějící suroviny potřebné ke stavbě určité budovy


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Žádost o chybějící suroviny potřebné ke stavbě určité budovy

Popis skriptu: Tento skript umožňuje hráčům požádat o chybějící suroviny na výstavbu budovy.

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Hlavni budova > klik > a) vyber vesnice ze ktere chceme preposlat suroviny /opakovanym klikem na skript muzete pridat dalsi vesnice ze kterych bude posilano/ > b) v prave casti se u budov ktere nelze pro nedostatek surovin rozsirovat zobrazi zelene tlacitko Request. > Kliknutim na Request budou zaslany chybejici suroviny.

Screenshot_2021-01-16 0028 (454 444) - Tribal Wars - Standard.png

Screenshot_2021-01-16 0028 (454 444) - Tribal Wars - Standard(1).png

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if (window.location.href.indexOf('&screen=main') < 0) {
    window.location.assign(game_data.link_base_pure + "main");

var sourceID = 0;
var resourcesNeeded = [];
var resource = {};
var sources = [];
//set start resources
var nonReservedWood = game_data.village.wood;
var nonReservedStone = game_data.village.stone;
var nonReservedIron = game_data.village.iron;
//set total resources reserved so we don't overflow the cap later
var WHWoodCap = nonReservedWood;
var WHStoneCap = nonReservedStone;
var WHIronCap = nonReservedIron;
var sourceWood = 0;
var sourceStone = 0;
var sourceIron = 0;
var sourceMerchants = 0;
var WHCap = game_data.village.storage_max;

cssClassesSophie = `
padding: 1px 1px 1px 18px;
.trclass:hover { background: #40D0E0 !important; }
.trclass:hover td { background: transparent; }
<th id="currentSelection">No village chosen</th>
<td class="res"><span class="icon header wood"></span><span id="sourceWood">0</span></td>
<td class="res"><span class="icon header stone"></span><span id="sourceStone">0</span></td>
<td class="res"><span class="icon header iron"></span><span id="sourceIron">0</span></td>
<td class="res"><span id="sourceMerchants">0</span></td>
<th><input type="button" class="btn evt-confirm-btn btn-confirm-yes" id="showSourceSelect" onclick="showSourceSelect()" value="Change source"></th>

function checkBuildings() {
    // check all buildings that need a request
    for (var i = 0; i < $("#buildings tr .build_options .inactive").length; i++) {
        //check if warehouse space is big enough for this building
        wood = $("#buildings tr .build_options .inactive").eq(i).parents().eq(1).find($("[data-cost]")).eq(0).text().trim();
        stone = $("#buildings tr .build_options .inactive").eq(i).parents().eq(1).find($("[data-cost]")).eq(1).text().trim();
        iron = $("#buildings tr .build_options .inactive").eq(i).parents().eq(1).find($("[data-cost]")).eq(2).text().trim();
        resourcesNeeded.push({ "wood": wood, "stone": stone, "iron": iron })
        //create request buttons.
        if ($("#buildings tr .build_options .inactive").eq(i).text() != 'The Warehouse is too small') {
            $("#buildings tr .build_options .inactive").eq(i).parent().parent().append(`<td id="request${i}"><input type="button" class="btn evt-confirm-btn btn-confirm-yes" id="calculate${i}" onclick="requestRes(${i})" value="Request"></td>`)
        else {
            $("#buildings tr .build_options .inactive").eq(i).parent().parent().append(`<td id="request${i}"><input type="button" class="btn btn-disabled" id="calculate" value="WH CAP"></td>`)

function requestRes(buildingNr) {
    resource[sourceID] = {}
    resource[sourceID]["wood"] = Math.max(0, resourcesNeeded[buildingNr].wood - nonReservedWood);
    resource[sourceID]["stone"] = Math.max(0, resourcesNeeded[buildingNr].stone - nonReservedStone);
    resource[sourceID]["iron"] = Math.max(0, resourcesNeeded[buildingNr].iron - nonReservedIron);
    //check if this would cause an overflow
    if (WHWoodCap + resource[sourceID]["wood"] > WHCap || WHStoneCap + resource[sourceID]["stone"] > WHCap || WHIronCap + resource[sourceID]["iron"] > WHCap) {
        alert("Not enough storage space for this action!")
        throw Error("Out of space");
    else {
        TribalWars.post('market', { ajaxaction: 'call', village: game_data.village.id }, { "select-village": sourceID, "target_id": 0, "resource": resource }, function (e) {
            <span>Resources requested: </span>
            <span class="icon header wood"></span><span>${resource[sourceID]["wood"]}</span>
            <span class="icon header stone"></span><span>${resource[sourceID]["stone"]}</span>
            <span class="icon header iron"></span><span>${resource[sourceID]["iron"]}</span>
            <span>Used/reserved WH space: </span>
            <span class="icon header wood"></span><span>${resource[sourceID]["wood"] + WHWoodCap}</span>
            <span class="icon header stone"></span><span>${resource[sourceID]["stone"] + WHStoneCap}</span>
            <span class="icon header iron"></span><span>${resource[sourceID]["iron"] + WHIronCap}</span>
            nonReservedWood = nonReservedWood + resource[sourceID]["wood"] - resourcesNeeded[buildingNr].wood;
            nonReservedStone = nonReservedStone + resource[sourceID]["stone"] - resourcesNeeded[buildingNr].stone;
            nonReservedIron = nonReservedIron + resource[sourceID]["iron"] - resourcesNeeded[buildingNr].iron;
            //adding requested resources to the current total
            WHWoodCap += resource[sourceID]["wood"];
            WHStoneCap += resource[sourceID]["stone"];
            WHIronCap += resource[sourceID]["iron"];
            sourceWood -= resource[sourceID]["wood"];
            sourceStone -= resource[sourceID]["stone"];
            sourceIron -= resource[sourceID]["iron"];
            sourceMerchants -=Math.floor(((resource[sourceID]["wood"]+resource[sourceID]["stone"]+resource[sourceID]["iron"])/1000))+1;

function checkDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
    //calculate distance from current village
    var a = x1 - x2;
    var b = y1 - y2;
    var distance = Math.round(Math.hypot(a, b));
    return distance;

function showSourceSelect() {
    resource = {};
    sources = [];
    $.get("/game.php?&screen=overview_villages&mode=prod&group=0&page=-1&", function (resourcePage) {
        // get X and Y of each village, ID, resources and merchants, maybe farm used? ... then add distance from current village and at the end, sort array according
        rowsResPage = $(resourcePage).find("#production_table tr").not(":first");
        $.each(rowsResPage, function (index) {
            tempX = rowsResPage.eq(index).find("span.quickedit-vn").text().trim().match(/(\d+)\|(\d+)/)[1];
            tempY = rowsResPage.eq(index).find("span.quickedit-vn").text().trim().match(/(\d+)\|(\d+)/)[2];
            tempDistance = checkDistance(tempX, tempY, game_data.village.x, game_data.village.y);
            tempResourcesHTML = rowsResPage[index].children[3].innerHTML;
            tempWood = $(rowsResPage[index].children[3]).find(".wood").text().replace(".", "");
            tempStone = $(rowsResPage[index].children[3]).find(".stone").text().replace(".", "");
            tempIron = $(rowsResPage[index].children[3]).find(".iron").text().replace(".", "");
            tempVillageID = $(rowsResPage).eq(index).find('span[data-id]').attr("data-id");
            tempVillageName = $(rowsResPage).eq(index).find('.quickedit-label').text().trim()
            tempMerchants =rowsResPage[index].children[5].innerText;
            if (tempVillageID != game_data.village.id) {
                //store data to be used later
                sources.push({ "name": tempVillageName, "id": tempVillageID, "resources": tempResourcesHTML, "x": tempX, "y": tempY, "distance": tempDistance, "wood": tempWood, "stone": tempStone, "iron": tempIron,"merchants":tempMerchants })
        sources.sort(function (left, right) { return left.distance - right.distance; })
        .done(function () {
            //make a way to select which village we want to use.
            htmlSelection = `<div style='width:700px;'><h1>Select village where res will be pulled from</h1><br><span>Script made by Sophie "Shinko to Kuma"</span><br><table class="vis" style='width:700px;'>
            <th>Village name</th>

            $.each(sources, function (ind) {
                htmlSelection += `
            <tr class="trclass" style="cursor: pointer" onclick="storeSourceID(${sources[ind].id},'${sources[ind].name}',${sources[ind].wood},${sources[ind].stone},${sources[ind].iron},${sources[ind].merchants.match(/(\d+)\//)[1]})">
            htmlSelection += "</table></div>"

            Dialog.show("Content", htmlSelection);
            //potentionally make a way to check if a village we are using to request from is starting to run low on resources, and maybe even select another village when there aren't enough available

function storeSourceID(id, name, wood, stone, iron,merchants) {
    resource = {};
    sourceID = id;
    sourceWood = wood;
    sourceStone = stone;
    sourceIron = iron;
    sourceMerchants= merchants;
    UI.SuccessMessage(`Using ${name} as source village.`);



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Jde zaslat pouze z jedné vesnice, z více vesnic to ukazuje "Nedostatek surovin". Chtěl jsem zaslat suroviny na Strážní věž. Je možné to opravit? Děkuji



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